Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Physics, MSU

Asymptotic methods in mathematical physics

Dedicated to the memory of V.P. Maslov

Date of conference
17-19 June 2024, Moscow

The conference "Asymptotic methods in mathematical physics" is dedicated to the memory of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Viktor Pavlovich Maslov (06/15/1930 – 08/03/2023). V.P. Maslov is an internationally recognized scientist in the fields of mathematical physics, mathematical modeling, differential equations, functional analysis, mechanics and quantum physics. He is the author of new revolutionary and now classical asymptotic methods used in various fields of mathematics, mechanics, and physics. Being at the forefront of modern science, Viktor Pavlovich Maslov was repeatedly involved in solving complex problems facing the country.


For detailed informtion please pass to the russian page of the conference.


Working days of the conference: 17, 18, 19 June 2024